Безплатни тестета с карти за нови и завръщащи се играчи в Hearthstone
От 26 март новите играчи на Hearthstone и тези, които се връщат след поне четири месеца, ще получат безплатно тесте от избран от тях клас, построен с карти от Годината на дракона. Ако се чудите кой дек да изберете, ето списък с всички карти за всеки клас.

- 1x Goru the Mightree
- 1x Keeper Stalladris
- 2x Anubisath Defender
- 2x Garden Gnome
- 2x Acornbearer
- 2x Shrubadier
- 2x Force of Nature
- 2x Aeroponics
- 2x Dreamway Guardians
- 2x The Forest’s Aid
- 2x Treenforcements
- 2x Power of the Wild
- 2x BEEEES!!!
- 2x Blessing of the Ancients
- 2x Rising Winds
- 2x Savage Roar
- 1x Shu’ma
- 1x Sky Gen’ral Kragg
- 1x Sea Giant
- 2x Diving Gryphon
- 2x Faceless Corruptor
- 2x Knife Juggler
- 2x Licensed Adventurer
- 2x Questing Explorer
- 2x Cult Master
- 2x Bone Wraith
- 2x Hench-Clan HogsteedA
- 1x Unseal the Vault
- 2x Clear the Way
- 2x Swarm of Locusts
- 2x Unleash the Hounds
- 2x Tracking
- 2x Desert Spear
- 1x Dragonqueen Alexstrasza
- 1x Reno the Relicologist
- 1x Zephrys the Great
- 1x Doomsayer
- 1x Cobalt Spellkin
- 1x Dragoncaster
- 1x Khartut Defender
- 1x Twilight Drake
- 1x Arcane Amplifier
- 1x Azure Explorer
- 1x Big Ol’ Whelp
- 1x Bone Wraith
- 1x Evasive Wyrm
- 1x Scalerider
- 1x Twin Tyrant
- 1x Power of Creation
- 1x Arcane Breath
- 1x Blizzard
- 1x Conjurer’s Calling
- 1x Ice Barrier
- 1x Ancient Mysteries
- 1x Flame Ward
- 1x Learn Draconic
- 1x Ray of Frost
- 1x Arcane Intellect
- 1x Fireball
- 1x Flamestrike
- 1x Frost Nova
- 1x Frostbolt
- 1x Polymorph
- 1x Tirion Fordring
- 2x Lightforged Crusader
- 2x Micro Mummy
- 2x Aldor Peacekeeper
- 2x Brazen Zealot
- 2x Lightforged Zealot
- 2x Sky Claw
- 2x Argent Protector
- 2x Amber Watcher
- 2x Sandwasp Queen
- 2x Shotbot
- 2x Sanctuary
- 2x Air Raid
- 1x Pharaoh’s Blessing
- 2x Blessing of Kings
- 2x Consecration
- 1x Archmage Vargoth
- 1x Catrina Muerte
- 2x Batterhead
- 2x Psychopomp
- 2x Convincing Infiltrator
- 2x Khartut Defender
- 2x Sandhoof Waterbearer
- 2x Plague of Death
- 2x Breath of the Infinite
- 2x Forbidden Words
- 1x Mass Dispel
- 2x Mass Resurrection
- 2x Penance
- 2x Holy Nova
- 1x Holy Smite
- 2x Shadow Word: Death
- 2x Shadow Word: Pain
- 1x Edwin VanCleef
- 1x Heistbaron Togwaggle
- 1x Kronx Dragonhoof
- 2x Faceless Corruptor
- 2x SI:7 Agent
- 2x Bloodsail Flybooter
- 2x Devoted Maniac
- 2x EVIL Miscreant
- 2x Pharaoh Cat
- 2x Shield of Galakrond
- 2x Seal Fate
- 2x Eviscerate
- 2x Shadowstep
- 2x Praise Galakrond!
- 2x Backstab
- 2x Sap
Playable Hero:
- 1x Galakrond, the Nightmare
- 1x Kronx Dragonhoof
- 2x Corrupt Elementalist
- 1x Faceless Corruptor
- 2x Mana Tide Totem
- 2x Devoted Maniac
- 2x Shield of Galakrond
- 2x Walking Fountain
- 2x Dragon’s Pack
- 2x Far Sight
- 1x Witch’s Brew
- 2x Earthquake
- 2x Hagatha’s Scheme
- 2x Earth Shock
- 1x Eye of the Storm
- 2x Invocation of Frost
- 2x Hex
- 1x The Fist of Ra-den
Playable Hero:
- 1x Galakrond, the Tempest
- 1x Dark Pharaoh Tekahn
- 1x Kronx Dragonhoof
- 2x Sea Giant
- 2x Veiled Worshipper
- 2x Dragonblight Cultist
- 2x Knife Juggler
- 2x Flame Imp
- 2x Beaming Sidekick
- 2x Devoted Maniac
- 1x EVIL Cable Rat
- 2x EVIL Genius
- 2x Murmy
- 2x Shield of Galakrond
- 2x Voidwalker
- 2x Fiendish Rites
- 2x Sinister Deal
Playable Hero:
- 1x Galakrond, the Wretched
- 1x Captain Greenskin
- 2x Southsea Captain
- 2x Hoard Pillager
- 2x Skybarge
- 2x Bloodsail Raider
- 2x Dread Corsair
- 2x Southsea Deckhand
- 2x Blazing Battlemage
- 2x Parachute Brigand
- 2x Sky Raider
- 2x Kor’kron Elite
- 2x Mortal Strike
- 2x Upgrade!
- 1x Ancharrr
- 2x Livewire Lance
- 2x Arcanite Reaper
Следващото разширение на Hearthstone, Ashes of Outlands, ще стартира Годината на Феникса – която ще включва Demon Hunter, първият нов клас, добавен към играта, откакто съществува.